Yes timing is crucial when it comes to spraying weed killer, thats why you see a lot of pest control and weed control companys around spring/summer.. because weeds start growing during the spring and they go nuts during the summer!
Early Growth Stage: Spray weed killer when weeds are in their early growth stage. They are more susceptible to the herbicides (weed killer) at this stage.
Ideal Weather: Ideally you want a calm day NO wind, and NO RAIN, (if it rains the herbicide (weed killer) won't work!
Temperature Range: Spray in cool weather if you want to get techinical about it 60°F - to about 80°F would be ideal for optimal absorption for the herbicide. This isn't a big deal.
Weed Growth Stage: Usually you can get pre-emergence (weeds in soil) and post-emergence (weeds you can see) herbicides. So when you have thick weeds get a post-emergence herbicide, if you need help look up a herbicide dealer. (not cannabis!)
READ INSTRUCTIONS: Always read and follow the instructions on the weed killer product label for proper timing and application guidelines and saftey! keep away from children!
When to Spray Weed Killer? You want to spray weed killer whenever you see weeds, if its just a handful pull them out fully!